Abstract. We prove the zero-in-the-spectrum conjecture for large, regular covers associated to amenable subgroups of fundamental group of a closed manifold N , provided that 1 .N / is C -exact.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). Primary 58J22; Secondary 58J50.Keywords. Property A, exact group, zero-in-the-spectrum conjecture.The zero-in-the-spectrum conjecture was first formulated by Gromov [6], [7] and asks if the spectrum Laplace-Beltrami operator acting on the square-integrable p-forms on the universal cover of a closed aspherical manifold contains zero. This fact is implied by the Strong Novikov Conjecture and thus the interest in finding a counterexample. A more general zero-in-the-spectrum conjecture on open complete manifolds was stated by Lott and it is true if there is a positive answer to the following question: does the spectrum of the Laplace-Beltrami operator p acting on square-integrable p-forms of a complete manifold M contain zero for some p D 0; 1; : : : ? The answer is negative in general: Farber and Weinberger [4] showed that for every n 6 there exists a manifold N such that zero is not in the spectrum of p for any p 2 0; 1; : : : acting on the universal cover of N . Later Higson, Roe and Schick [12] extended this result and gave a complete description of groups which can appear as fundamental groups of manifolds whose universal covers do not have zero in the spectrum of the Laplacian.Because of the origins of the problem, various covering spaces are a natural environment for considering zero-in-the-spectrum questions. An early result of this type is a theorem of Brooks [1] stating that given a regular cover M of a compact manifold N , 0 is in the spectrum of 0 on M if and only if the group of deck transformations is amenable. The articles [14], [15] provide a comprehensive survey of this topic.The purpose of this article is to prove the zero-in-the-spectrum conjecture on certain regular covers associated to normal, amenable subgroups of the fundamental