The primary focus of this study is to apply a two-dimensional (2-D) coupled flow-wave-sediment modeling system to simulate the development and growth of idealized barrier island tidal inlets. The idealized systems are drawn from nine U.S. coastal inlets representing Pacific Coast, Gulf Coast and Atlantic Coast geographical and climatological environments. A morphological factor is used to effectively model 100 years of inlet evolution and the resulting morphological state is gauged in terms of the driving hydrodynamic processes. Overall, the model performs within the range of established theoretically predicted inlet cross-sectional area. The model compares favorably to theoretical models of maximum inlet currents, which serve as a measure of inlet stability. Major morphological differences are linked to inlet geometry and tidal forcing. Narrower inlets develop channels that are more aligned with the inlet axis while wider inlets develop channels that appear as immature braided channel networks similar to tidal flats in regions with abundant sediment supply. Ebb shoals with strong tidal forcing extend further from shore and spread laterally, promoting multi-lobe development bisected by ebb shoal channels. Ebb shoals with moderate tidal forcing form crescent bars bracketing a single shore-normal channel. Longshore transport contributes to ebb shoal asymmetry and provides bed material to help maintain the sediment balance in the bay.Within this conceptual framework, sediments are continually reworked through complex interactions between local waves, ebb shoal morphology and reversing tidal currents.Numerical models produce quantitative predictions and have been widely used to study the morphodynamics of tidal inlet systems on long time scales. Cayocca [3] used a two-dimensional (2-D) coupled wave, hydrodynamic, and sediment transport model to investigate the stability and potential evolution of the Arcachon Lagoon on the French Atlantic coast. In addition to simulating the lagoon with present-day bathymetry, Cayocca [3] conducted idealized simulations with an initial constant bathymetry to study long-term bay and inlet evolution. The results were consistent with historical observations and provided evidence that the lagoon was likely a stable feature under the present wave and tidal regime.Using a 2-D morphodynamic model, Dissanayake et al.[4] set up an idealized inlet system with dimensions similar to the Ameland Inlet in the Dutch Wadden Sea to simulate inlet evolution for periods of 50, 100, and 300 years. The model did not include wave forcing or Coriolis force, as the primary focus was to investigate inlet-cross-section growth rates and ebb shoal delta evolution. The results showed rapid ebb shoal growth and inlet channel deepening during the first 20 years followed by a longer period of weaker development, eventually stabilizing to an equilibrium asymptote. The ebb shoal lobe and main channel orientation were rotated from a shore-normal direction in agreement with the long-shore tidal circulation patterns in ...