“…There has been increasing criticism by those who have found theoretical, philosoph ical, and empirical grounds to challenge and dispute Kohlberg' s [1958] thesis that the de velopment of moral judgment can be ex plained within the cognitive-developmental framework, an extension of Piaget' s [1932] work on morality [Buck-Morss, 1975;Carroll and Rest, 1982;Edwards, 1975Edwards, , 1981Gibbs, 1977Gibbs, , 1979Gilligan, 1982;Henry, 1983;Much and Shweder, 1978;Shweder, 1982aShweder, . 1982bSimpson, 1974], Many of these criti cisms are aimed implicitly at Kohlberg's em phasis on the self-construction of morality, which Youniss [1978] says represents an overly individualistic usage of Piaget's earlier work.…”