AbstractsThe RPA, SCRPA, Tamm-Dancoff, and full CI methods are compared by analyzing their transition density matrices, oscillator strengths, and energy moments of oscillator strengths for the 'Sground-'Pdd transitions of the 4-electron B+ ion in the frozen K-shell approximation. It is found that the RPA gives transition density matrices that are aligned nearly as well as possible along those o f the full CI, but have vector lengths that are significantly too long. The corresponding transition energies are significantly too small. These errors compensate to give oscillator strengths for the dominant transition that, for all forms of the oscillator strength, are within 1.6% of the corresponding full CI values. The SCRPA gives better transition density matrices than the RPA, but poorer oscillator strengths. The Tamm-Dancoff approximation gives very good values for the mixed length-velocity form of the oscillator strength. The RPA gives a static electric dipole polarizability that is nearly 20% larger than that of the full CI. The SCRPA gives a value 15% smaller than-and the Tamm-Dancoff approximation gives a mixed length-velocity value that is 11 YO larger than-that of the full CI. Other energy moments of oscillator strengths are also reported. Certain other approximations related to the RPA and the SCRPA are reported as well.Les methodes de RPA, Tamm-Dancoff, et CI pleine sont comparees en analysant leurs matrices densite de transition, leurs forces d'oscillateur et les moments d'tnergie de leurs forces d'oscillateur pour les transitions 'Sfondamental -'Pimpair de I'ion Bf dans I'approximation ou la couche K est gelee.II s'avere que la RPA donne des matrices densite de transition qui sont alignees presque autant que possible sur celles de la CI pleine, mais que les longueurs des vecteurs sont sensiblement trop grandes. Les energies de transition correspondantes sont trop petites. Ces erreurs se compensent pour donner des forces d'oscillateur pour la transition dominante qui pour toutes les formes de la force d'oscillateur, different des valeurs CI de moins de 1.6%. La SCRPA donne des matrices densite de transition meilleures que la RPA, mais des forces d'oscillateur pires. L'approximation de Tamm