Flocking birds, fish schools, and insect swarms are familiar examples of collective motion that plays a role in a range of problems, such as spreading of diseases. Models have provided a qualitative understanding of the collective motion, but progress has been hindered by the lack of detailed experimental data. Here we report simultaneous measurements of the positions, velocities, and orientations as a function of time for up to a thousand wild-type Bacillus subtilis bacteria in a colony. The bacteria spontaneously form closely packed dynamic clusters within which they move cooperatively. The number of bacteria in a cluster exhibits a power-law distribution truncated by an exponential tail. The probability of finding clusters with large numbers of bacteria grows markedly as the bacterial density increases. The number of bacteria per unit area exhibits fluctuations far larger than those for populations in thermal equilibrium. Such "giant number fluctuations" have been found in models and in experiments on inert systems but not observed previously in a biological system. Our results demonstrate that bacteria are an excellent system to study the general phenomenon of collective motion.swarming | self-organization | active suspensions D espite differences in the length scales and the cognitive abilities of constituent individuals, collective motion in systems as diverse as bird flocks, mammal herds, swarming bacteria, and vibrating granular particles (1-8) produces similar patterns of extended spatiotemporal coherence, suggesting general principles of collective motion. One approach to unveil these principles has been to model individuals as interacting self-propelled particles, which align their motions with neighbors (8-13). Some models also include repulsive and attractive interactions between particles in addition to the local alignment of velocities. With empirically chosen parameters such as the range over which the local alignment occurs, self-propelled particle models produce motions qualitatively similar to the observations. For example, within certain parameter regimes, models (8, 13) predict that collectively moving individuals form dynamic clusters, as often seen in fish schools or mammal herds (1); these clusters lead to large fluctuations in population density. Quantitatively, analytic theories based on liquid crystal physics (14-16) have predicted that these density fluctuations should scale with system size differently from fluctuations in thermal equilibrium systems.In contrast to numerical models and analytical theories, quantitative experiments have been limited (2-8), though decisive experiments are urgently needed to test the theoretical assumptions, determine sensitive modeling parameters, and verify theoretical predictions. The lack of experimental data is mainly due to technical difficulties. In conventional macroscopic systems, such as bird flocks, it is exceedingly challenging to track individual motions of a large population over long periods of time, and studies with systematic parameter ...