Regenerative medicine therapy is inspired by current research advances in cellular biology, genetic engineering, synthetic biology, material sciences and so far contributes to the traditional therapy, making resistant diseases curable. Nowadays, chronic wound healing is possible due to cell-based regenerative technologies and recent non-cell therapeutic approaches. Here we review clinical applications of human stem cells, as well as cellular and tissue products as alternatives to the traditional therapy of non-healing wounds. The cell-based technologies for tissue regeneration and bioengineering utilize stem cells that are either injected into bloodstream or positioned directly into the target area. Cell-free regeneration technologies require either stem cell products, i.e., secretomes or their separate components, extracellular membrane vesicles, or tissue products. The stem cell therapies are designed to replace critically absent components of wounded or degenerative tissue. The stem cell secretome can promote the repair of damaged tissues independently of parent cells. Extracellular membrane vesicles mimic and recapitulate the mechanisms of stem cells in tissue regeneration and therefore might be promising for chronic wound and severe burns healing. The tissue products traditionally remain efficient wound healing remedies along with emerging advanced technologies. K e y w o r d s: wound healing, cell and cell-free technologies, stem cells, secretomes, extracellular membrane vesicles, tissue products