An efficient computational scheme devised for investigations of ground state properties of the electronically correlated systems is presented. As an example, (H2)n chain is considered with the long-range electron-electron interactions taken into account. The implemented procedure covers: (i) single-particle Wannier wave-function basis construction in the correlated state, (ii) microscopic parameters calculation, and (iii) ground state energy optimization. The optimization loop is based on highly effective process-pool solution -specific root-workers approach. The hierarchical, two-level parallelism was applied: both shared (by use of Open Multi-Processing) and distributed (by use of Message Passing Interface) memory models were utilized. We discuss in detail the feature that such approach results in a substantial increase of the calculation speed reaching factor of 300 for the fully parallelized solution. The elaborated in detail scheme reflects the situation in which the most demanding task is the single-particle basis optimization.
I. PHYSICAL MOTIVATION: EXACT DIAGONALIZATION + AB INITIO METHODElectronically correlated systems are important both from the point of view of their unique physical properties and from nontrivial computational methods developed to determine them. The latter cover methods based on the Density Functional Theory (DFT) with the energy functional enriched by the correlation terms -the on-site repulsion U in the Hubbard model [1] and the Hund's rule term in the case of orbital degeneracy. Often, they are incorporated into either DFT or the Dynamic Mean Field Theory (DMFT) approach supplemented with the LDA-type calculations (see e.g. [2]). On the other hand, the Configuration-Interaction (CI) method does not suffer from the well-known double counting problem [1,2], inherent in the DFT+U or LDA+DMFT methods. Another approach, similar in its spirit to the CI method, formulated as a combination of the first-and second quantization (FQ, SQ respectively) formalisms was elaborated in our group in the last decade and termed the Exact Diagonalization Ab Intito (EDABI) approach [3,4]. This method allows for a natural incorporation of the correlation effects consistently by the advantages of using the SQ language so that the double-counting problem does not arise at all. Also, by construction, it includes the Pauli principle for the fermionic systems. In contrast to CI the EDABI approach avoids any direct dealing * † ‡ with the many-body wave function expressed via a linear combination of the Slater determinants [5]. Instead, it is based on the many-particle quantum states constructed in the occupation number representation [5] -standard procedure for the SQ formulated problems.The application of EDABI was found promising in view of research devoted to the hydrogen molecular systems with inclusion of interelectronic correlations [6], nano-clusters [7], and to atomic hydrogen metallization [8]. As the many-particle state i...