Executive SummaryThe sodium fast reactor is under consideration for consuming the transuranic waste in the spent nuclear fuel generated by light water reactors. This work is concerned with specialized target assemblies for an oxide-fueled sodium fast reactor that are designed exclusively for burning the americium and higher mass actinide component of light water reactor spent nuclear fuel (SNF). The associated gamma and neutron radioactivity, as well as thermal heat, associated with decay of these actinides may significantly complicate fuel handling and fabrication of recycled fast reactor fuel. The objective of using targets is to isolate in a smaller number of assemblies these concentrations of higher actinides, thus reducing the volume of fuel having more rigorous handling requirements or a more complicated fabrication process. This is in contrast to homogeneous recycle where all recycled actinides are distributed among all fuel assemblies. Several heterogeneous core geometries were evaluated to determine the fewest target assemblies required to burn these actinides without violating a set of established fuel performance criteria. The DIF3D/REBUS code from Argonne National Laboratory was used to perform the core physics and accompanying fuel cycle calculations in support of this work. Using the REBUS code, each core design was evaluated at the equilibrium cycle condition.These studies were performed using the Advanced Burner Reactor as the reference core and assembly design. In the reference homogeneous core, all transuranics are recovered and returned to the driver fuel assemblies. Alternatively, in the heterogeneous cases Np+Pu was recovered and returned to driver fuel while Am+Cm+Bk+Cf was recovered and put into the target assemblies. An external supply of transuranics having a SNF isotopic vector was added to the recovered material after each cycle to compensate for transuranics destroyed by fission. In order to give a fair comparison between the heterogeneous target cases and the homogeneous reference case, the ratio of Am+Cm+Bk+Cf to Np+Pu in the external supply of transuranics was held constant and equal to the actual ratio found in SNF. Because this ratio was always respected in conjunction with a constant thermal power rating and a relatively invariant conversion ratio, the external makeup feed rate of each isotope was also relatively invariant throughout this study. Therefore, an equal comparison could be made between the reference homogeneous core and all heterogeneous designs.For this initial study, the same assembly design used by the driver fuel was adopted for the transmutation target assemblies. Also investigated was the effect of using uranium oxide (UOX) versus fertile-free magnesium oxide (MgO) as the carrying matrix for the transmutation target composition.Four core geometries with target assemblies were evaluated in this study, ranging from a 6-target case having one target assembly at each corner of the hexagonal core, to a 48-target case where the entire first row of radial reflectors a...