Abstract. Given a sequence {A n } n∈ޚ + of bounded linear operators between complex Hilbert spaces H and K we characterize the existence of a contraction (resp. isometry, unitary operator, shift) T on K such thatSuch moment problems are motivated by their connection with the dilatability of positive operator measures having applications in the theory of stochastic processes.The solutions, based on the fact that a certain operator function attached to T is positive definite on ,ޚ extend the ones given by Sebestyén in [18], [19] or, recently, by Jabłoński and Stochel in [8]. Some applications, containing new characterizations for isometric, unitary operators, orthogonal projections or commuting pairs having regular dilation, conclude the paper.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 47A57, 43A35; Secondary 47A20, 60G10, 47B99.