The partial inelasticity coefficients of the negative pions were determined in minimum bias p, d, α, 12 C+ 12 C and p, 12 C+ 18 Ta collisions at 4.2A GeV/c taking into account the average number of participant nucleons of a projectile nucleus. In nucleus-nucleus collisions, the average values of partial inelasticity coefficients ( K(π − ) ) of the negative pions did not depend on the mass numbers of projectile and target nuclei. Increase of K(π − ) in going from p+ 12 C to d, α, 12 C+ 12 C collisions was due to an additional source of production of fast negative pions in nucleus-nucleus collisions -a charge exchange conversion of one or more neutrons of a projectile nucleus into a proton and π − . Linking the experimental results of the present analysis at intermediate energy with those obtained at high and ultra-high energies, it was concluded that the average values of partial inelasticity coefficients of pions in nucleon-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions manifest a transitive behavior. At intermediate energies, the values of K(π − ) were smaller by a factor of two and more as compared to those at high energies, and they increased further with increasing incident energy, reaching a plateau at E 0 > 100A GeV.