Sepio lite is a nat u rally oc cur ring clay min eral of sed i men tary or i gin and is a mag ne sium hydrosilicate. Sepio lite has been widely used as an ad di tive raw ma te rial in ce ram ics and cement in dus try, phar ma ceu ti cal, clean ing-de ter gent, pa per, paint, cos metic ag ri cul ture, fer tilizer, etc. In this study, the nat u ral ra dio ac tiv ity lev els, ra don em a na tion co ef fi cients and ra don ex ha la tion rates of 30 sepio lite sam ples col lected from open three sepio lite quar ries (Beylikova, Polath and Sivrihisar) in Cen tral Anatolia re gion of Tur key were de ter mined by us ing a gamma-ray spec trom e try with an HPGe de tec tor. The av er age ab sorbed gamma dose rates di rectly mea sured in Beylikova, Polath and Sivrihisar open three sepio lite quar ries located in Cen tral Anatolia re gion of Tur key were found as 59, 65, and 64 nGyh-1 , re spec tively. The av er age ac tiv ity con cen tra tions of 226 Ra, 232 Th, and 40 K in 30 sepio lite sam ples col lected from those quar ries were found as 38.6, 12.4, and 67.4 Bqkg-1 , re spec tively. The av er age ema na tion co ef fi cient and ex ha la tion rate of ra don of sepio lite sam ples were de ter mined as 22 % and 0.065 Bqkg-1 h-1 , re spec tively. Also, ra dio log i cal pa ram e ters (out door ab sorbed gamma dose rate, an nual ef fec tive dose rate, ex ter nal and in ter nal in dex) were es ti mated to eval u ate the use of sepio lite sam ples as ad di tive raw ma te ri als in the build ing sec tor. Key words: sepio lite, nat u ral ra dio ac tiv ity, out door ab sorbed gamma dose rate, ra don em a na tion co ef fi cient, ra don mass ex ha la tion rate, gamma-ray spec trom e try