The complement-fixation tests for antibodies to psittacosis-lymphogranuloma venereum agents exhibit a high degree of cross-reactivity within the group; but nonspecific reactions are rare. Sera of patients with syphilis seem to provide an exception, since they have frequently been found to react nonspecifically with both ornithosis and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) antigens. The nonspecific nature of these reactions is easily established since the sera also react with the control antigen. Much interest was formerly focused on this problem, but the results of epidemiological studies performed at that time were difficult to interpret because of the frequent concurrence of LGV in cases of syphilis. Little attention has recently been paid to the problem, despite the advent of specific treponemal tests and useful methods of serum fractionation.Approaching the problem from the other direction, patients infected with ornithosis often have acute biological false positive (BFP) seroreactions for syphilis (Liffler, 1959), and the frequent occurrence of syphilis in patients with LGV makes it difficult to establish the cause of positive seroreactions for syphilis in such patients. However, it is evident that acute BFP reactions also occur in connection with LGV (Heyman and Webb, 1946).In the present study, syphilitic and BFP-sera have been tested for complement-fixing antibodies against yolk sac antigens, and dermal hypersensitivity against this type of antigen (Frei test) has been looked for in patients with syphilis and BFP reactions.
Material and methods
SERA WITH ANTILIPOIDAL ANTIBODIESSixteen sera were from darkfield positive patients with primary or secondary syphilis, and 36 from patients with latent or late symptomatic syphilis. The latter were positive in both the Treponema pallidum immobilization (TPI) and fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption