We give a general method for constructing explicit and natural operations on the Hochschild complex of algebras over any prop with A∞-multiplication-we think of such algebras as A∞-algebras "with extra structure". As applications, we obtain an integral version of the Costello-Kontsevich-Soibelman moduli space action on the Hochschild complex of open TCFTs, the Tradler-Zeinalian action of Sullivan diagrams on the Hochschild complex of strict Frobenius algebras, and give applications to string topology in characteristic zero. Our main tool is a generalization of the Hochschild complex.The Hochschild complex of an associative algebra A admits a degree 1 self-map, Connes-Rinehart's boundary operator B. If A is Frobenius, the (proven) cyclic Deligne conjecture says that B is the ∆-operator of a BV-structure on the Hochschild complex of A. In fact B is part of much richer structure, namely an action by the chain complex of Sullivan diagrams on the Hochschild complex [57,26,28,30]. A weaker version of Frobenius algebras, called here A ∞ -Frobenius algebras, yields instead an action by the chains on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces [11,37,26,28]. Most of these results use a very appealing recipe for constructing such operations introduced by Kontsevich in [38]. Starting from a model for the moduli of curves in terms of the combinatorial data of fatgraphs, the graphs can be used to guide the local-to-global construction of an operation on the Hochschild complex of an A ∞ -Frobenius algebra A -at every vertex of valence n, an n-ary trace is performed.In this paper we develop a general method for constructing explicit operations on the Hochschild complex of A ∞ -algebras "with extra structure", which contains these theorems as special cases. In constrast to the above, our method is global-to-local: we give conditions on a composable collection of operations that ensures that it acts on the Hochschild complex of algebras of a given type; by fiat these operations preserve composition, something that can be hard to verify in the setting of [38]. After constructing the operations globally, we then show how to read-off the action explicitly, so that formulas for individual operations can also be obtained. Doing this we recover the same formuli as in the local-to-global approach. Our construction can be seen as a formalization and extension of the method of [11] which considered the case of A ∞ -Frobenius algebras.Our main result, which we will explain now in more details, gave rise to new computations, including a complete description of the operations on the Hochschild complex of commutative algebras [35], a description of a large complex of operations on the Hochschild complex of commutative Frobenius algebras [34] and a description of the universal operations given any type of algebra [61].An A ∞ -algebra can be described as an enriched symmetric monoidal functor from a certain dg-category A ∞ to Ch, the dg-category of chain complexes over Z. The category A ∞ is what is called a dg-prop, a symmetric monoidal dg-category w...