We study the complexity of 2mth order definite elliptic problems Lu ϭ f (with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions) over a d-dimensional domain ⍀, error being measured in the H m (⍀)-norm. The problem elements f belong to the unit ball of W r,p (⍀), where p ʦ [2, ȍ] and r Ͼ d/p. Information consists of (possibly adaptive) noisy evaluations of f or the coefficients of L. The absolute error in each noisy evaluation is at most ͳ. We find that the nth minimal radius for this problem is proportional to n Ϫr/d ϩ ͳ, and that a noisy finite element method with quadrature (FEMQ), which uses only function values, and not derivatives, is a minimal error algorithm. This noisy FEMQ can be efficiently implemented using multigrid techniques. Using these results, we find tight bounds on the -complexity (minimal cost of calculating an -approximation) for this problem, said bounds depending on the cost c(ͳ) of calculating a ͳ-noisy information value. As an example, if the cost of a ͳ-noisy evaluation is c(ͳ) ϭ ͳ Ϫs (for s Ͼ 0), then the complexity is proportional to (1/) d/rϩs .