Abstract. In this paper we provide characterizing properties of TDI systems, among others the following: a system of linear inequalities is TDI if and only if its coefficient vectors form a Hilbert basis, and there exists a test-set for the system's dual integer programs where all test vectors have positive entries equal to 1. Reformulations of this provide relations between computational algebra and integer programming and they contain Applegate, Cook and McCormick's sufficient condition for the TDI property and Sturmfels' theorem relating toric initial ideals generated by square-free monomials to unimodular triangulations. We also study the theoretical and practical efficiency and limits of the characterizations of the TDI property presented here.In the particular case of set packing polyhedra our results correspond to endowing the weak perfect graph theorem with an additional, computationally interesting, geometric feature: the normal fan of the stable set polytope of a perfect graph can be refined into a regular triangulation consisting only of unimodular cones.