Abstract. We investigate the complexity of the equivalence problem over a finite ring when the input polynomials are written as sum of monomials. We prove that for a finite ring if the factor by the Jacobson radical can be lifted in the centre, then this problem can be solved in polynomial time. This result provides a step in proving a dichotomy conjecture of Lawrence and Willard (J. Lawrence and R. Willard, The complexity of solving polynomial equations over finite rings (manuscript, 1997)).2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 16Z05, 16P10.
Introduction.Investigations into the algorithmic aspects of the equivalence problem for various finite algebraic structures were started in the early 1990s. The equivalence problem for a finite algebra A asks whether or not two expressions p and q are equivalent over A (denoted by A |= p ≈ q), i.e. whether p and q determine the same function over A. This question is decidable for a finite algebra A: checking all substitutions from A yields to an answer of this question. The equivalence problem is in coNP, since the 'no' answer can be verified by a substitution, where the two expressions differ. In this paper we investigate the computational complexity of the equivalence problem for finite rings. That is, for a given finite ring R what is the complexity of deciding whether or not two input polynomials determine the same function over R? First, Hunt and Stearnes [5] investigated the equivalence problem for finite rings. They proved that for finite nilpotent rings the polynomial equivalence problem could be solved in polynomial time in the length of the two input polynomials. Moreover, they proved that for commutative, non-nilpotent rings the equivalence problem is coNPcomplete. Later, Burris and Lawrence [2] generalised their result to non-commutative rings, and established a dichotomy theorem for rings.