Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is an agronomically important source of natural fibers, especially in areas where cotton cannot be grown. The United States is a major producer of "linseed" oil from seeds of the flax plants, whereas about 80% of the flax in eastern Europe is cultivated for fiber, with two-thirds of that produced in Russia. In addition to their use in spinning and weaving into fabrics, these fine but durable fibers have many other commercial and environmental uses (Oosten, 1988). Studies of the chemical composition of the fiber cells have focused on investigations of the processed fibers and fibers in intact and "retted" plants, and attempts have been made to characterize some of the key alterations caused by an extensive processing that has an impact on fiber quality.The fibers originate from procambial cells in the protophloem (Esau, 1977). Bundles of about a dozen cells each encircle the vascular cylinder and produce thick cellulosic walls that nearly fill the lumen at maturity. Mature fibers contain 60 to 70% cellulose (Sharma, 1986;Morvan et al., 1989;Lozovaya et al., 1990). Although the remaining material is rich in pectin, the noncellulosic polysaccharides have not been fully characterized (Davis et al., 1990;McDougall et al., 1993). After harvest, the plants are retted (by dew retting in the field or by warm-water retting in factories), a process that helps to dissociate the bundles of fibers from other parts of the stem. Retting results in degradation of some pectins to free the fiber bundles from the pectinrich sheaths of the cortical cells. Microbial endopolygalacturonase (Chesson, 1979) or cultures of Erwinia carotovora (Morvan et al., 1989) can be used to mimic the retting process. Unlike cotton fibers, which grow as single epidermal hair cells, the strength and integrity of the flax fibers rely to a certain extent on preservation of the cell-cell cementing during the retting process.Morvan and colleagues (Morvan et al., 1989;Davis et al., 1990) provided data on the monosaccharide composition and the linkage structure of the chelator-soluble pectic polysaccharides of flax plants and unprocessed fibers. McDougall(l993) has examined the noncellulosic polysaccharides of processed fibers. Because of the limited and sometimes contradictory information on the structure of the noncellulosic polysaccharides that accumulate during fiber development and remain after processing, we have examined the soluble and pectic polysaccharides and crosslinking glycans from various organs of the developing flax plant. In addition, the cortical cells, phloem, and developing fibers are easily peeled away from the vascular cylinder and analyzed separately. These studies permitted us to compare and contrast the specific changes in polysaccharide constituents that accompany fiber and xylem development.Abbreviations: AG(P), arabinogalactan(pr0tein); D (in chemical formulas), deuterium; GalA, galacturonic acid; GLC-EIMS, GLCelectron impact mass spectrometry; Mezh, cv Mezheumok; Novo, cv Novotorzhskii; Psko, cv Psko...