T he effect of carbon on the eutectic conjugation of liquid, iron crystal and (Mn,Fe)S in the Fe-Mn-S system was investigated in the range from the maximum temperature rif eutectic line to peritecto-eutectic temperature. The effects of carbon and silicon on the composition of (Mn,Fe)S in [iron-(Mn ,Fe)S] conjugation was also studied from 1 450°C to 950°C. The results were as fo llows : (1) E utectic temperature was lowered and the eutectic line was shifted towards the iron corner in the Fe-M n-S diagram, as the carbon content of iron crystal increased. (2) T he addition of carbon increased the manganese content of the iron crystal and (Mn,Fe)S in the eutectic conjugation, and decreased the sulfur content of the former. As the temperature was decreased, both the tendencies of (1) and (2) gradually diminished and were not recognized at all below 1 250Co. (3) When the carbon content rif the iron crystal exceeded 0.25% , the four-phase conjugation [liquid iron-liquid sulfide-iron crystal-(Mn,Fe)S] resulted from the intersection of the eutectic line with the miscibility gap. (4) T he lower the temp erature alld the higher the manganese contellt ill the iron matrix, the higher was the manganese content rif (M n,Fe)S in [iron-(Mn,Fe)S] cOIVugation. The composition rif (M n,Fe)S was hardly affected by carbon and silicon contents in the iron matrix.