This study describes the intergenerational relations influence on the care of the aged in a transitional period expressed by a group of aged South Africans and their family members. Focused ethnographic research was carried out from 2001 to 2006 in a semi-rural area in central South Africa. Twenty-nine participants representing 16 families took part in multiple group interviews. The data was supplemented through individual interviews with 10 of the participants as well as home visits, participation in community activities, notes and video recording. The transcribed interview texts were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The study shows aspects of tradition in transition as reciprocal care between generations, the significance of traditional values and the impact of modernization on care. The findings reveal the on going transition in Africa influencing the role of the aged as well as the reciprocal care within the extended family. The study also discloses that in reciprocal relationships, family members do not necessarily have a biological bond and that revaluing of traditions can be seen as a response to social and economic change and as a tool to maintain influence. This ethnographic study contributes knowledge in the field of gerontological care, by illuminating the impact of transition on the role of aged as well as the caring of the aged in the extended family an important issue for health professionals caring for a growing number of older persons in Southern Africa and in countries with a large representation of minority groups from developing countries.