A, reactor, sq.cm. a unit of volume, cm.-l C = concentration, moles/liter D = molecular diffusivity, sq.cm./ f = fractional acid conversion, dik = first-order reaction velocity L = bed height n = number of spheres MI = cross-sectional area of empty = packed bed surface area per sec. mensionless constant = mass flux rate for a single reacting sphere, moles/sq.cm-superficial velocity, dimensionless = molar concentration of surface active sites = over-all rate of reaction, moles/liter sec. = interfacial condition = time = time-of-flight (difference between the observed time for the start of concentration fall off at the exit of the bed and the inlet to the bed) = linear velocity based on free 2. 3. 4.
.cross section, cm./sec. 8.
9.Greek Letters 8 = boundary-layer thickness, cm. 10. E o = dimensionless time ratio, to/ A = constant 8 = time = fraction voids in beds 11. t f Subscripts 12. f = bulk fluid condition 13. e = exit condition i = inlet condition m = mean value across the bed 14.