Human-computer inte raction has been the cause of the eme rging innovations in many fields, including in design and art, architectural, technological a rtifacts, and even traditiona l heritage. In the case of Indonesian traditional he ritages, the computation of fractal designs has been introduced to develop batik design -the genuine textile art and skill that becomes a symbol of Indonesian culture. The uniqueness of Batik, which depicte d in the richness of its motifs, is regarded as one of inte resting aspect to be researche d and innovated using computational techniques. Recent studies of batik motifs have discovered conjecture to the existence of fractal geometry in batik designs. This finding has given some inspiration of implementing certain fractal concepts, such esca pe-time fracta l (com plex plane) a nd iterated function system to generate batik motifs. We develop motif generator based upon the Collage Theorem by using Java TM platform. This software is equippe d by interface tha t can be use d by use r to generate basic patterns, which could be interprete d and painted as batik motif. E xperimentally, we found that computationally genera ted fractal motifs are appropriated to be implemented as batik motif. However, human made batik motifs are less detail and some of them diffe r significantly with the computationally generated ones for tools used to draw batik and human aesthetic constraints.