The effects of changing loading conditions and inotropic state on maximum isotonic lengthening rate ( +dL/dt, muscle lengths/sec) were examined in isolated rat myocardium. Physiologically sequenced contractions were studied in 18 left ventricular papillary muscle preparations (stimulation rate, 12/min). To study the effects of changing loading conditions, only one loading variable (preload, total load, or late load) was changed during each contraction, while the others were held constant. To study the effects of isoproterenol (10~6 M) and temperature (28 vs. 33° C) on maximum isotonic lengthening rate, preload and late load were held constant and +dL/dt was examined at a common total load. When preload was increased from 0. ), +dL/dt rose from 1.6 ± 0.1 muscle lengths/sec at 28° C to 2.4 ± 0.2 muscle lengths/sec at 33° C and 2.05 ±0.1 muscle lengths/sec with isoproterenol. Thus, the load against which the muscle shortens (and/or the length to which it shortens), the magnitude of the late load, and the time at which the late load is applied are independent determinants of maximum isotonic lengthening rate. Under any constant set of loading conditions, both isoproterenol and increased temperature increase the maximum isotonic lengthening rate. A bnormalities of left ventricular (LV) early dia-/ \ stolic chamber filling appear to be sensitive X \ -indicators of myocardial disease 1 " 7 ; chamber filling rate has also been found to be useful in following the natural history and the response to therapy of pathological processes.8 " 14 To understand the effects of disease or pharmacologic therapy on chamber filling rate, it is important to define the specific mechanical and hemodynamic factors that influence the speed of relaxation and filling in the normal heart. Once the mechanical determinants of ventricular filling rate are defined, the effects of the disease process or the effects of pharmacologic treatment on filling rate can be interpreted within the context of changes in these mechanical determinants. In the intact heart, it is difficult to create isolated changes in mechanical variables such as loading conditions. This is true because most interventions cause concomitant changes in LV volume, LV pressure, left atrial pressure, and heart rate, each of which may have an effect on filling rate. Using the isolated muscle preparation, where muscle length and load can be independently and precisely controlled, the effects of isolated changes in loading conditions on isotonic lengthening rate can be studied. In addition, data obtained using this method are not affected by neurohumoral and other factors that might influence relaxation in the intact heart. Accordingly, the purpose of the current study is to define the independent determinants of maximum isotonic lengthening rate using physiologically sequenced isolated papillary muscle preparations. We hypothesize that loading conditions, specifically preload, total load, and late load, are primary mechanical determinants of the maximum isotonic lengthening rate. Ther...