The article represents the development of a methodical approach to monitoring the ecological and economic development of an industrial enterprise. The generalized definition of monitoring the ecological and economic development of the enterprise and its main characteristics is proposed. It was established that the goals of this type of monitoring can be determined as the effectiveness of the planning process of ecological and economic activity; assessment of the quality of forecasts of the ecological state of the territory; improvement of environmental safety of production at enterprises of the region; development and timely implementation of measures aimed at reducing the negative anthropogenic impact of enterprises on the ecology of the region. It is substantiated that the organization and implementation of ecological and economic development monitoring should be carried out with the help of appropriate methodological support, which involves assessing the relationship between three components: economic development of the enterprise, ecological and economic development of environmental protection by types of its measures, ecological factors of the external environment. The study presents calculated models based on the use of methods of principal components and canonical analysis, which confirm the close relationship between the factors of the development of environmental protection by types of its measures and the economic development of industrial enterprises. As part of methodological support, an improved system of indicators for monitoring the ecological and economic development of the enterprise is proposed. The naming of documents and the distribution of responsibility for the organization of document circulation in the system of monitoring the external environment of the enterprise are substantiated. It was emphasized that the functioning of the system for monitoring the ecological and economic development of the enterprise should be carried out by building an environmental audit system at enterprises.
Keywords: ecological and economic development, industrial enterprise, monitoring of ecological and economic development, document flow, environmental audit.