Abstract-In the current decades the encryption field plays a necessary role in securing sensitive data such as monitoring system. A mong the three main types of communication media, images are considered one of the most common and preferable type that is used an all social communication sites. However, as the rates of electronics crimes increased day after day, it is required that the process of capturing and transferring images is protected with the most secure and low cost methods to protect the privacy and security of these images. In this research a new system is proposed in order to encrypt the images by using two methods uses in this system the first method is simple method that create the key that use encryption image by generate keys using GA after that encrypt this key using mix column for several times this mix column its one step of AES. The second method used to encrypt images that capture from camera by using two step twice Add round and mix column, this consider a complex method. When have been applied this method solve the problems in Less time and more efficient. The results of these new techniques implemented and have good results.