The Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test (EOWPVT) is a screening instrument used to derive an estimate of general verbal intelligence. The purpose of this paper is to present five clinical case studies of children with depressed performance on the EOWPVT to illustrate differential performance outcomes that are not attributable to a single causal factor (i.e., general verbal intelligence). It is proposed that the utility of the EOWPVT, from a qualitative and analytic perspective, may provide more than just a measure of general verbal intelligence.
CLINICAL CASE STUDIESCase Study 1 B.A. was a boy aged 5-1 from a middle-income family. Prenatal, perinatal, birth, medical, and developmental histories were unremarkable. He was referred for an evalua-The author wishes to thank Meta Downes of East Carolina University for her helpful comments in the Requests for reprints should be sent to Salvatore DeMarco,