-The aim of this study is to introduce the fiber dissection technique and its importance in the comprehension of the three-dimensional intrinsic anatomy of the brain. A total of twenty brain hemispheres were dissected. Using Kingler's technique we demonstrated the intrinsic structures of the brain. The supra lateral aspect of the brain as well as the medial aspect were presented. The most important fiber systems were demonstrated. The use and comprehension of new neuroimaging techniques demand a better understanding of this fascinating anatomy. The knowledge acquired with this technique will improve our understanding of critical pathways of the central nervous system. KEY WORDS: brain, anatomy, white matter dissection.Estrutura interna dos hemisférios cerebrais: introdução à técnica de dissecação de fibras RESUMO -O objetivo é mostrar a técnica de dissecação de fibras e sua importância na compreensão da anatomia tridimensional do cérebro. Um total de 20 hemisférios cerebrais foram dissecados. Usando a técnica de dissecação descrita por Kingler, pudemos demonstrar as estruturas que compõem a anatomia interna do cérebro. A anatomia da face súpero-lateral assim como da face medial foi apresentada. O uso e compreensão de novas técnicas de neuroimagem requerem um melhor conhecimento desta anatomia. O conhecimento adquirido com essa técnica contribuirá para o melhor entendimento de vias essenciais do sistema nervoso central.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: cérebro, anatomia, dissecação, substância branca.Traditionally the brain sulci and gyri anatomy of the brain have been studied by anatomists and clinicians but the intrinsic anatomy of the complex fibers of the white matter has been somewhat ignored. Very few books or publications regarding this topic are available when compared to the extensive literature about the external structure of the brain. Recently in Rhoton's masterpiece, "The Supratentorial Cranial Space: Microsurgical Anatomy and Surgical Approaches" -Supplement of Neurosurgery, some beautiful dissections showing the internal fasciculus can be appreciated 1 . With the most recent advances in neuroimaging one can experiences full details pictures of the internal anatomy of the brain 2-7 .Therefore, there is an increasing demand for knowledge of intrinsic brain anatomy. As radiological and surgical techniques become increasingly precise, our knowledge of the superficial anatomy and also the recognition of the internal white matter tracts of the brain is essential. In the last years many studies using diffusion-weighted and diffusion tensor MR imaging were published. The new MRI devices which use high magnetic fields and techniques promoting superior quality images can be used to show the full white matter anatomy in detail 4 . The term so-called tractography is becoming very popular. This analysis of tracts is essential for understanding and explaining the pathophysiologic patterns of certain disease states, especially intrinsic gliomas. In fact, in the studies of the intrinsic brain tumors such as the gliomas, th...