The dynamic of Israeli women's labour market experiences is analysed, with the focus on three main determinants of their attachment to the labour market: (i) family events, particularly the effect and timing of childbirth on women's market involvement, (ii) human capital, and (iii) structural determinants, including occupation, and sector of employment. Utilizing data from the 2001 mobility study in Israel, which is a retrospective longitudinal survey, we employed event history techniques to examine women's likelihood to leave and re-enter the labour market. As expected, childbirth proved to increase the likelihood of work withdrawal, and human capital reinforced women's attachment to paid employment. Structural characteristics of the labour market, especially employment in the public sector, provided women with the necessary conditions to maintain continuous employment, even when family responsibilities were high, and to resume working sooner than women employed in a less supportive environment. Implications are discussed, and several avenues for further research suggested.