“…with du 1 = v l ± <ft?j dv\ In formula (12), 't" = M x R* x (0, 2 n), and v = ( V, a) = (t^ , v L , a) is a cylindncal System of coordinates (the notation v^ and v ± will be precised later on), while Div and Grad dénote the divergence and gradient operators The velocity distribution ƒ = /(V) does not depend on a, yielding an operator /*(ƒ,ƒ) wfcuch also does not depend on a (we shall show this fact in Section 2) At last, &(w) is the tensor (13) Smce /-- 2 is the projection operator onto the plane orthogonal to w, <P(w) is semi-defimte positive L l w l J and lts null set is >(w) = wU (14) These two purely algebraic properties of the tensor <Z>, coupled with the fact that (-Div ) and (Grad) are adjoint operators, are precisely what we call the algebraic structure of the Fokker-Planck operator Physically speakmg, the équation (11) under considération is a model for the évolution in time t of an a-mdependent velocity distribution ƒ( t, V) of a spatially uniforrruy distributed, fully ïomsed and hot plasma, made of one species of particles which is not subrmtted to any external force Since, by use of a splitting in time algonthm, a numencal method for solving (11) also permits to simulate the évolution of a non spatially umformly distributed plasma, the mdependence with respect to the position variable is actually not restrictive Yet, the a-mdependence is usually a conséquence of some assumptions made on the spatial distribution of the plasma One of these is when the spatial distribution is only varying in one fixed direction r Introducing then r as a coordmate in this direction, the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck équation descnbmg the évolution of the plasma wntes (3, ƒ+ »" dj) (t, r, V)=P(f(t, r,. ),ƒ(*, r,. ))…”