Abstract. We discuss continuity and upper semicontinuity of the Wu pseudometric.The Wu pseudometric was introduced by H. Wu in [Wu 1993] (and [Wu]). Various properties of the Wu metric may be found for instance in [Che-Kim 1996], [Che-Kim 1997], [Kim 1998], [Che-Kim 2003], [Juc 2002]. Nevertheless, it seems that even quite elementary properties of this metric are not completely understood, e.g. its upper semicontinuity.First, let us formulate the definition of the Wu pseudometric in an abstract setting. Let h : C n −→ R + be a C-seminorm. Put:= the orthogonal complement of V with respect to the standard Hermitian scalar product z, w :Consider the family F of all pseudo-Hermitian scalar products s :where s 0 := s| U×U (note that E(s 0 ) = E(s) ∩ U ). Let Vol(s 0 ) denote the volume of E(s 0 ) with respect to the Lebesgue measure of U . Since I 0 is bounded, there exists an s ∈ F with Vol(s 0 ) < +∞. Observe that for any basis e = (e 1 , . . . , e m ) of U (m := dim C U ) we have