IN). Kao posledica promene tehnologije topljenja i boljeg tretmana otpadnih gasova, pre svega SO 2, na svim posmatranim lokacijama došlo је do promene pH vrednosti UTM, od kiselog (5.8 pH) ka baznom (7.8 pH). Takođe, u periodu rada nove topionice, na svim posmatranim lokacijama uočeno je povećanje sadržaja As u UTM kao i smanjenje sadržaja Cd. Sadržaj Ni i Pb u UTM je neznatno promenjen u posmatranom periodu. Na lokacijama TF i TP u periodu rada stare topionice prekoračena je maksimalno dozvoljena koncentracija UTM od 200 mg•m-2 •dan-1 za godišnji period usrednjavanja. Kao posledica boljeg tretmana otpadnih gasova iz topionice u 2017. godini zabeleženo je samo jedno prekoračenje maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije UTM od 450 mg•m-2 •dan-1 u mesečnim uzorcima, i to na lokaciji TF. Jedino na ovoj lokaciji je u 2017. godini detektovano i prekoračenje maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije UTM za godišnji period usrednjavanja. Pored toga, u periodu rada nove topionice, na svim posmatranim lokacijama uočeno je prisustvo veoma jake (r> 0.8) i jake (0.8>r>0.6) Pearson-ove korelacije između teških metala detektovanih u UTM, za razliku od perioda rada stare topionice kada su ove korelacije bile slabije. Ključne reči: ukupne taložne materije; teški metali; topionica bakra The influence of a new smelting technology in the Copper Smelter Bor on the content and chemical composition (As, Cd, Ni, Pb) of the total atmospheric deposition (TAD) in the Bor town urban areas was analyzed in this paper. The results of measurements the TAD in the period 2014-2015 (old smelting technology) were compared with the results for the period 2016-2017 (new smelting technology). The analysis was carried out for three locations in the Bor town (Technical Faculty-TF, Town Park-TP, and Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor-IN). As a result of changes in the smelting technology and better treatment of waste gases, predominantly SO 2 , the pH values of the TAD have changed at all sampling points from acid (5.8 pH) to base (7.8 pH). The increase in the As content as well as the reduction of Cd content in the TAD was also detected at all sampling points while the Ni and Pb contents in the TAD have been slightly changed in the observed period. At the sampling points of the TF and TP, the maximum permissible concentration of the TAD (200 mg•m-2 •day-1) for the annual averaging period is exceeded, during the old smelter operation. As a result of better treatment of the smelter waste gases in 2017, only one exceeding of the maximum allowed concentration of the TAD (450 mg•m-2 •day-1) in monthly samples was recorded (at the sampling point TF). Only at the TF, the maximum permissible concentration for the annual averaging period is exceeded in 2017. The presence of a very strong (r> 0.8) and strong (0.8 >r>0.6) Pearson correlation between the heavy metals determined in the TAD was observed at all sampling points during the new