TikTok has emerged as a powerful platform for the dissemination of mis- and disinformation about the war in Ukraine. During the initial three months after the Russian invasion in February 2022, videos under the hashtag #Ukraine garnered 36.9 billion views, with individual videos scaling up to 88 million views. Beyond the traditional methods of spreading misleading information through images and text, the medium of sound has emerged as a novel, platform-specific audiovisual technique. Our analysis distinguishes various war-related sounds utilized by both Ukraine and Russia and classifies them into a mis- and disinformation typology. We use computational propaganda features—automation, scalability, and anonymity—to explore how TikTok’s auditory practices are exploited to exacerbate information disorders in the context of ongoing war events. These practices include reusing sounds for coordinated campaigns, creating audio meme templates for rapid amplification and distribution, and deleting the original sounds to conceal the orchestrators’ identities. We conclude that TikTok’s recommendation system (the “for you” page) acts as a sound space where exposure is strategically navigated through users’ intervention, enabling semi-automated “soft” propaganda to thrive by leveraging its audio features.