Most data available from Paramecium, fewer from Tetrahymena, disclose essentially the same principles of signaling as in metazoans up to man. Microtubules serve for long-range signaling, whereas SNARE proteins, H + -ATPase, GTPases and actin provide short-range molecular signals, with Ca 2+ as a most efficient, locally and spatially restricted signal particularly for membrane fusion. This is enabled by the strategic positioning of Ca 2+ -release channels, type InsP 3 receptors and ryanodine-receptor-like proteins, also in ciliates. In Paramecium, the most evident trafficking routes encompass exo-/endocytosis, endo-/phagocytosis and the contractile vacuole complex. The high specificity, precision and efficiency of vesicle trafficking regulation in ciliates is facilitated by their highly regular, epigenetically controlled cell structure, with firmly installed microtubular rails.