Minimally invasive endovascular procedures uses catheters that are
guided through blood vessels to perform interventions, resulting in an
inevitable frictional interaction between the catheter and the vessel
walls. While this friction enhances stability during the intervention,
it poses a risk of damaging the inner layer of the blood vessel wall
during navigation, leading to post-operative complications including
infectious diseases and thrombus formation. To mitigate the risk of
adverse complications, we propose a new concept of a variable friction
catheter capable of transitioning from low friction during navigation to
high friction for increased stability while performing the intervention.
This variable friction catheter leverages ultrasonic lubrication to
actively control the frictional forces experienced by the catheter
during the procedure. In this paper, we present a proof-of-concept for a
friction control module, a pivotal component of the proposed catheter
design. Our experiments demonstrate that the prototype effectively
reduce friction by up to 60% and 11% in average on rigid and soft
surfaces respectively, underscoring the feasibility of the design and
its potential to improve the safety and efficacy of minimally invasive
endovascular procedures.