Recently, the research about innovative approaches in the education of blind (non-visual- NV) students has intensified; however the use of dichotomous keys (DK) in their botanical education has not yet been examined. This research explored the contribution of two self-generated dichotomous keys (DK) for plant identification (a digital version- DDK and a printed version- DPK), to the botanical education of NV students. The research included 100 students, with an average age of 24, divided into 2 groups. Group E1 determined the plants using the DDK while in Group E2 plants were identified using the DPK. The DDK contributed more than the DPK in helping the NV participants to acquire the quality and durability knowledge they need to identify different plant groups (woody, bushy and herbaceous plants). The NV has the greatest success in the identification of woody plants, and the least success in the identification of herbaceous plants. The members of both groups (E1, E2) had possitive opinion about the contribution of the applicable dichotomous key to their knowledge, the activities in it. Due to this fact, both versions of DKs are recommended as new assistive tools in the botanical education of NV students.
Keywords: botanical education, plants identification, dichotomous keys, non-visual people, quasi-experimental design.