This chapter deals with the optimal control of a class of elliptic quasivariational inequalities. We start with an existence and uniqueness result for such inequalities. Then we state an optimal control problem, list the assumptions on the data and prove the existence of optimal pairs. We proceed with a perturbed control problem for which we state and prove a convergence result, under general conditions. Further, we present a relevant particular case for which these conditions are satisfied and, therefore, our convergence result works. Finally, we illustrate the use of these abstract results in the study of a mathematical model which describes the equilibrium of an elastic body in frictional contact with an obstacle, the socalled foundation. The process is static and the contact is modeled with normal compliance and unilateral constraint, associated with the Coulomb's law of dry friction. We prove the existence, uniqueness, and convergence results together with the corresponding mechanical interpretation. We illustrate these results in the study of a one-dimensional example. Finally, we end this chapter with some concluding remarks.