We use invariants of Hendricks and Manolescu coming from involutive Heegaard Floer theory to find constraints on possible configurations of singular points of a rational cuspidal curve of odd degree in the projective plane. We show that the results do not carry over to rational cuspidal curves of even degree.Theorem 4.10. Let C be a rational cuspidal curve of odd degree with two singular points z 1 and z 2 . Let K 1 and K 2 be links of singularities of z 1 and z 2 . Then at least one of K 1 and K 2 is an even L-space knot.We illustrate the above application by a simple example. It is a well-known result (see [18, Section 6.1.3]) but we give the first topological proof.Example 1.3. A rational cuspidal curve of degree 5 cannot have two singular points with Puiseux sequences (2; 11) and (2; 3). It also cannot have two singular points with Puiseux sequences (2; 7) and (2; 7).A rational cuspidal curve with Puiseux sequences (2; 9) and (2; 5) actually exists. It is item 7 in the list [19, Theorem 2.3.10]. See also [18, Section 6.1.3].This degree 5 example is quite remarkable from the following point of view. In [3] Bodnár and Némethi noted that the criterion of [4] does not actually restrict singular points, but only so-called multiplicity sequences. We do not give all the details, but point out that the criterion of [4] is unable to distinguish the case of singular points (2; 11), (2; 3) and (2; 9), (2; 5). We give more examples in Section 5. 1.3. Outline of the proof The main idea of the proof comes from [4], although technical problems already appear at an early stage. Consider a rational cuspidal curve C ⊂ CP 2 and let N be a tubular neighborhood of C. Let M = ∂N and set W = CP 2 \ N . As in [4] we identify M with a surgery on the connected sum of links of singularities of C. Moreover H k (W ; Q) = 0 for k > 0. The latter fact implies by [22] that for any Spin c structure s on M that extends to W we have d(M, s) = 0, where d is the Ozsváth-Szabó d-invariant. The equality d(M, s) = 0 was exploited in [4].In the present article we rely on a result of Hendricks and Manolescu, that for any Spin structure s on M that extends over W we have d(M, s) = d(M, s) = 0, where d and d are the invariants defined in [14]; see Section 2.1. We look at the canonical Spin structure on M , that is, the one corresponding to m = 0; see Section 2.2 for notation. The problem is that the canonical Spin structure extends over W if and only if deg C is odd. Therefore our results are restricted to curves of odd degree; see Section 4.1.If C has one singular point, then M is an L-space and it follows from [14, Section 4.4] that d(M, s) = d(M, s) = d(M, s). In particular, our result says nothing new for rational cuspidal curves with one singular point. However, if C has more than one singular point, the condition d(M, s) = d(M, s) becomes restrictive. The second, and actually, more difficult, part of the paper translates the equality d(M, s) = d(M, s) into a tractable condition on semigroups of singular points of C.Throughout, we let F = Z/2Z.