The protein phosphatase calcineurin is activated in response to rising intracellular Ca 2+ levels and impacts fundamental cellular processes in organisms ranging from yeast to humans. In fungi, calcineurin orchestrates cellular adaptation to diverse environmental challenges and is essential for virulence of pathogenic species. To enable rapid and large-scale assessment of calcineurin activity in living, unperturbed yeast cells, we have generated stable and destabilized GFP transcriptional reporters under the control of a calcineurin-dependent response element (CDRE). Using the reporters, we show that the rapid dynamics of calcineurin activation and deactivation can be followed by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy. This system is compatible with live/dead staining that excludes confounding dead cells from the analysis. The reporters provide technology to monitor calcineurin dynamics during stress and ageing and may serve as a drug-screening platform to identify novel antifungal compounds that selectively target calcineurin.-catalytic subunit of CN, CnB -regulatory subunit of CN, GFP -green fluorescent protein, PI -propidium iodide. J. Diessl et al. (2020) Calcineurin activity in living yeast OPEN ACCESS | 107 Microbial Cell | APRIL 2020 | Vol. 7 No. 4 FIGURE 1: GFP and GFP PEST function as reporters of calcineurin activity. (A) Schematics of pAMS366-4XCDRE-lacZ, pAMS366-4xCDRE-GFP and pAMS366-4xCDRE-GFP PEST plasmids encoding reporters for CN activity. (B) CN activity was determined via β-gal activity or via flow cytometric quantification of GFP fluorescence intensities in exponentially growing wild type and ∆crz1 cells equipped with either pAMS366-4xCDRE-lacZ, pAMS366-4xCDRE-GFP or pAMS366-4xCDRE-GFP PEST . Values are shown as fold of ∆crz1 cells. Means ± SEM, n = 4. (C) CN activity was measured as in (B) in exponentially growing wild type, ∆pmr1, ∆cnb1 and ∆crz1 cells equipped with the indicated reporter plasmid.For stimulation of CN activity, cells were treated with 50 mM Ca 2+ 1 h prior to measurement. Fold of untreated wild type cells is shown. Dead cells were excluded from the analysis via propidium iodide (PI) staining. Means ± SEM, n = 4. (D) Representative immunoblots of protein extracts from cells described in (C). Immunoblots were decorated with antibodies against β-gal or GFP, respectively, and Pgk1 as loading control. (E-G) Histograms of cells quantified in (C) indicating the shift in green fluorescence intensity of wild type cells with and without 50 mM Ca 2+ treatment and ∆pmr1 cells equipped with the GFP (E) or the GFP PEST reporter (F, G).