In general septoplasty precedes all other procedures in rhinoplasty as a straight, stable septum dictates the aesthetic and functional outcome. The patient's history and expectations, correct preoperative analysis and the surgeon's skills determine the approach in septum correction. As a rule of thumb, slight deviations, e.g. single vomer spurs, maxillary crests, the septal tilt and simple C and S-shaped deformities can be managed endonasally using a hemitransfixion incision and procedures such as the swinging door technique, scoring, batten grafts or caudal septal replacement grafts. In contrast, for severe S-shaped and wave-like deviations, cleft nose deformities, the multiple fractured septum as well as for most revision cases, the open approach with complete septal reconstruction has been found to be the method of choice. After initial general remarks on the basic procedures, the present article focuses on current concepts of septum correction which have to be adapted to the individual pathology.