Summary This paper describes a preference for two disaccharides in the diets of Zn-adequate and Zn-deficient rats. Maltose and sucrose were used as a source of carbohydrate in the diet and the selection patterns of rats were analyzed for 28 d by a two-choice selection method. Diets provided as a set of two either Zn-adequate or Zn-deficient diets were changed in position daily. Control Zn-adequate and Zn-deficient rats both exclusively selected the sucrose diet at days 1 and 2, after onset of the feeding experiment, and then gradually selected the maltose-diet. After changing their preference from sucrose to maltose, the Znadequate control rats selected widely from both the maltose and sucrose diets, while the Zndeficient rats exclusively and continuously selected the maltose diet from the two diets over the experimental period. The level of selection of sucrose-diet on day 28 had a correlation with the intestinal sucrase activity in the control rats. The sum of daily maltose and sucrose diet intake in rats fed a Zn-deficient diet showed a characteristic variation with the cyclic period of 3.6 Ϯ 0.2 d. The daily body-weight change of rats fed a Zn-deficient diet was well synchronized with their own food intake cycle. The day before changing preference from sucrose to maltose in rats fed a Zn-deficient diet represented a trough in their own food intake and body-weight cycles. These results suggest that one sign of a change in preference from sucrose to maltose in Zn-deficient rats is caused by a stage of negative energy balance.