“…role of the spectrins is that of regulating receptorfilament interactions. As such, it is conceivable that the spectrins may be involved with such processes as membrane trafficking in the intestinal brush border and sea urchin egg/embryo [Hirokawa et al, 1982[Hirokawa et al, , 1983Pearl et al, 1984;Bonder et al, 1989;Fishkind et al, 19881, secretion in chromaffin cells [Perrin and Aunis, 19851, topographic membrane assembly in epithelial cells Veshnock, 1986, 1987b;Morrow et al, 19891, receptor regulation and presentation in the nervous system [Lynch and Baudry, 19841, lymphocyte capping [reviewed in Bourguignon and Bourguignon, 19841, or substrate-mediated endothelial cell differentiation [Pratt et al, 19841 (Fig. 4).…”