The performance of wood-based denitrifying bioreactors to treat high-nitrate wastewaters from aquaculture systems has not previously been demonstrated. Four pilot-scale woodchip bioreactors (approximately 1:10 scale) were constructed and operated for 268 d to determine the optimal range of design hydraulic retention times (HRTs) for nitrate removal. The bioreactors were operated under HRTs ranging from 6.6 to 55 h with influent nitrate concentrations generally between 20 and 80 mg NO 3 − -N L −1 . These combinations resulted in N removal rates >39 g N m −3 d −1 , which is greater than previously reported. These high removal rates were due in large part to the relatively high chemical oxygen demand and warm temperature (~19°C) of the wastewater. An optimized design HRT may not be the same based on metrics of N removal rate versus N removal efficiency; longer HRTs demonstrated higher removal efficiencies, and shorter HRTs had higher removal rates. When nitrate influent concentrations were approximately 75 mg NO 3 -N L −1 (n = 6 sample events), the shortest HRT (12 h) had the lowest removal efficiency (45%) but a significantly greater removal rate than the two longest HRTs (42 and 55 h), which were N limited. Sulfate reduction was also observed under highly reduced conditions and was exacerbated under prolonged N-limited environments. Balancing the removal rate and removal efficiency for this water chemistry with a design HRT of approximately 24 h would result in a 65% removal efficiency and removal rates of at least 18 g N m −3 d −1 .
Optimizing Hydraulic Retention Times in Denitrifying WoodchipBioreactors Treating Recirculating Aquaculture System Wastewater Christine Lepine,* Laura Christianson, Kata Sharrer, and Steven Summerfelt E nhanced-denitrification bioreactors are a farm-or field-scale technology designed to address increasing levels of reactive nitrogen (N) in the environment (Schipper et al., 2010a). Such N pollution from agricultural sources is a causal agent in eutrophication, hypoxia (dead zones), and habitat degradation, resulting in a loss of biodiversity in coastal waters worldwide (Galloway et al., 2003). Over the past 20 yr, wood-based heterotrophic denitrifying bioreactors have been used to mitigate nonpoint source N pollution associated with agricultural tile drainage and groundwater (Robertson and Cherry, 1995;Woli et al., 2010;Christianson et al., 2012;Schmidt and Clark, 2012) as well as N pollution from point sources like greenhouses (Warneke et al., 2011). Other agricultural point sources, in particular land-based recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), stand to benefit greatly from such relatively simple denitrification technologies (van Rijn et al., 2006).Fish protein consumption has increased 3.6% per year since 1961, which is double the worldwide population growth of 1.8% per year (WHO, 2015). To meet this growth demand in the face of increasingly stringent restrictions on wild ocean resources, there is a market-based need for the aquaculture industry to expand. As an efficien...