Innovation and the 'Soft' Dimension of CompetitivenessThe 'soft dimension' of competitiveness, which, referring to the domain of symbols, perceived values and images standing for a city in people's minds, is argued to deserve attention in the debate on smart specialisation and innovation policies for regional development. It is argued that the soft dimension of competitiveness is particularly worthy of attention in the case of the smart specialisation since this is a place-based strategy aimed at boosting different and specific territorial innovation patterns which, from the perspective of this work, are supported by place reputation and images. The link between the smart specialisation approach and place branding, which tags the literature stream focusing on the place image and leverages a brand analogy, is an open field for investigation.The smart specialisation strategy needs to make its place-based rationale explicit and recognizable both for a matter of legitimacy of the smart specialisation approach in the European policy arena, and for a matter of competitiveness of the pursued strategies in global markets (i.e. differentiation and positioning). Visibility of local distinctive vision and reputation building are in the picture of those territorial systems pursuing a smart specialisation that is strongly supported locally