Creep crack growth rate ( ) is usually characterized in terms of macroscopic load parameters, such ⅐ a as C*, C t and C(t), through the constant load test. However, load parameters are continuously changing during the test, and so is . Here, by conducting constant C t and constant tests, quasi-steady-⅐ ⅐ a ⌬ state crack growth was obtained where remained almost constant. Results indicate the ϳ[C t ] 0.76 ⅐ ⅐ a a correlation, which differ from the ϳ[C t ] 0.96 correlation of the constant load test. Discrepancies can ⅐ a be ascribed to the inclusion of the stage II data, which showed no correlation between and C t , in ⅐ a the constant load analysis. Finally, the crack growth rate was well predicted using the MonkmamGrant analysis in creep crack growth.