INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY 829 tests of latex rubber compounds (4) it was evident that the water cures adsorbed less moisture than the air cures of the same compound; this behavior indicated that the water removed solubles from the rubber film. This extraction or leaching out of water-soluble nonrubber constituents is well known and is general practice with the manufacturers of latex products. It is carried out before or after cure with equal success, and gives a softer and less water-adsorbent article.The tests discussed were carried out on semidry, uncured latex rubber films, and it is believed that bone-dry or even cured films will produce similar results. However, under no conditions should tests be attempted on latex rubber films which are so wet that they will disintegrate on immersion in water. In practice, latex products are trimmed and may have a bead rolled before vulcanization; in order to accomplish these operations, the film must be comparatively dry. The immersion of a too wet latex rubber film in water for vulcanization causes distortion which vulcanizes in this unnatural condition and is too evident in the finished product.
ConclusionsNo measurable quantity of the water-soluble accelerators tested was extracted from the rubber during the water extraction. Therefore, these accelerators will not be extracted during vulcanization in water. The softening action observed in water-cured latex products is due to the extraction of watersoluble nonrubber constituents from the rubber film. The water-soluble accelerators tested have a selective solubility for rubber which is many times greater than their solubility in water.
Literature Cited(1) Du P o n t d
HE viscosity of fluids isThe effect of pressure upon the vis-(Pressures r e p o r t e d are abso-Useful in calculating the cosity of liquid and gaseous propane has lute-) The viscosity of hydrocareneru changes attending been determined at five temperatures bebon gases in the vicinity of attheir flow by use of the Reynolds criterion. Data of this nature tween 100" and 220" The work includes m o s p h e r i c pressure has been are of special importance in measurements throughout the superstudied by a number of investilaminar or s t r e a m l i n e flow heated gas region and the condensed gators. Vogel (27) measured such as it; often found in the liquid region at pressures up to 200 the viscosity of m e t h a n e a t 32" F. and atmospheric pressure. This work was substan-pounds per square inch. m o v e m e n t of homogeneous h y d r o c a r b o n f l u i d s in the T porous strata of natural petroleum reservoirs.Numerous studies have been made of the effect of temperature upon the viscosity of hydrocarbon liquids and gases in the vicinity of atmospheric pressure, and the effect of changes in pressure and composition upon the viscosity 'of such liquids has been ascertained to a lesser degree, Until recently the influence of pressure upon the viscosity of hydrocarbon gases has received little attention, but the investigations reported indicate tha...