We study numerically the scaling correction to the internal energy per spin as a function of system size and temperature in a variety of Ising and vector spin glasses. From a standard scaling analysis we estimate the effective size correction exponent x at each temperature. For each system with a finite ordering temperature, as temperature is increased from zero, x initially decreases regularly until it goes through a minimum at a temperature close to the critical temperature, and then increases strongly. The behavior of the exponent x at and below the critical temperature is more complex than suggested by the model for the size correction that relates x to the domain-wall stiffness exponent.PACS numbers: 75.50. Lk, 05.50.+q, 75.40.Mg Since Gibbs, thermodynamic transitions have been classified according to the critical behavior of the specific heat, or equivalently of the critical temperature dependence of the internal energy. One of the disturbing features of the spin-glass transition has always been that there appears to be no thermodynamic signature whatsoever of the critical temperature, except in the mean-field limit. In finite dimensions, the specific-heat exponent α is strongly negative and the energy changes perfectly smoothly as a function of temperature through the critical temperature T c . 1 The standard scaling form for the finite-size correction to the internal energy per spin e(L) iswhere L represents the system size. An exponent θ E can be defined by θ E = d − x (d represents the space dimension). In Ising spin glasses (ISG) it has been surmised from "droplet" arguments 2,3,4 that this correction is directly related to the energy associated with domain walls, for which independent numerical measurements can also be carried out. Thus it is expected that at zero temperature θ E is identical to θ DW , the domain-wall stiffness exponent. This conjecture is related to the controversial question of the form of the elementary excitations in spin glasses, and the identity should be valid if periodic boundary conditions simply introduce supplementary domain walls. It is exact for Migdal-Kadanoff spin glasses. 4 While the argument was introduced for zero temperature, it has also been invoked for finite T . 3 At a continuous transition the singular part of the free energy divided by the temperature scales as length −d . Because (T − T c ) ∼ length −1/ν (see Refs. 5 and 6), if T c > 0,If T c = 0, θ DW = −1/ν at T = 0 and x(0) = d + 1/ν. 5 We have carried out Monte Carlo measurements of the size dependence of the energy as a function of temperature in the mean-field Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) ISG model, in the Edwards-Anderson ISG with Gaussian interactions in dimensions 2, 3, and 4, in the gauge glass (GG) in dimensions 2, 3, and 4, and in the XY spin glass (XY SG) with Gaussian interactions in dimension 4. In all systems with a nonzero ordering temperature, x(T ) is strongly temperature dependent below as well as above T c . The effective exponent initially decreases progressively as T increases from...