The crossing number is the smallest number of pairwise edge crossings when drawing a graph into the plane. There are only very few graph classes for which the exact crossing number is known or for which there at least exist constant approximation ratios. Furthermore, up to now, general crossing number computations have never been successfully tackled using bounded width of graph decompositions, like treewidth or pathwidth.In this paper, we for the first time show that crossing number is tractable (even in linear time) for maximal graphs of bounded pathwidth 3. The technique also shows that the crossing number and the rectilinear (a.k.a. straight-line) crossing number are identical for this graph class, and that we require only an O(n) × O(n)-grid to achieve such a drawing.Our techniques can further be extended to devise a 2-approximation for general graphs with pathwidth 3, and a 4w 3 -approximation for maximal graphs of pathwidth w. This is a constant approximation for bounded pathwidth graphs. ratios for special graph classes. In fact, all known constant approximation ratios are based on one of three concepts: Topology-based approximations require that G can be embedded without crossings on a surface of some fixed or bounded genus [14, 17, 18]. Insertion-based approximations assume that there is only a small (i.e., bounded size) subset of graph elements whose removal leaves a planar graph [6][7][8][9]. In either case, the ratios are constant only if we further assume bounded maximum degree. Finally, some approximations for the crossing number exist if the graph is dense [13].While treewidth and pathwidth have been very successful tools in many graph algorithm scenarios, they have only very rarely been applied to crossing number: Since general crossing number seems not to be describable with second order monadic logic, Courcelle's result [11] regarding treewidth-based tractability can only be applied if cr itself is bounded [15, 19]. The related strategy of "planar decompositions" lead to linear crossing number bounds [28].Contribution. In this paper, we for the first time show that such graph decompositions, in our case pathwidth, can be used for computing crossing number. We show for maximal graphs G of pathwidth 3 (see Section 3):We can compute the exact crossing number cr(G) in linear time.The topological cr(G) equals the rectilinear crossing number cr(G), i.e., the crossing number under the restriction that all edges need to be drawn as straight lines. We can compute a drawing realizing cr(G) on an O(n) × O(n)-grid.We then generalize these techniques to show: A 2-approximation for cr(G) and cr(G) for general graphs of pathwidth 3, see Section 4. A 4w 3 -approximation for cr(G) for maximal graphs of pathwidth w, see Section 5. This can be achieved by placing vertices and bend points on a 4n × wn grid. Observe that in contrast to most previous results, these approximation ratios are not dependent on the graph's maximum degree. As a complementary side note, we show (in the full version of the paper, see [1])...