Versuche zur Messung des Betrages der Zirkularpolarisation sollen durchgeffihrt werden. L6sungen der Verbindung in C2Ha(OH)2 sind optisch inaktiv. Introduction. Three-dimensional data were collected to sin 0/2=0.66 A -1 on a card-controlled Enraf-Nonius three-circle diffractometer with nickel-filtered Mo K~ radiation (2=0.7107 A) (cf, Matthews, Stenkamp & Colman, 1973). Of 3729 reflections measured, 1429 were considered to have significant intensity [I> 2a(I)]. The crystal measured approximately 0.1 mm in each direction and had an absorption coefficient/z(Mo Kc 0 =25.3 cm -I. Systematic absences determined from Weissenberg and Buerger precession photographs were hOl for l odd, and 0k0 for k odd. A Patterson map provided starting coordinates for the bromine atom, and a Fourier synthesis, calculated with heavy-atom phases, clearly showed the remainder of the non-hydrogen atoms.Refinement by block-diagonal least-squares calculations, with isotropic temperature factors, resulted in an R value of 0.24. Anisotropic temperature factors improved R to 0.145 for the reflections with I>2a(I). The maximum and average final shifts were 0.0014 and 0-0008 A respectively for the bromine, and 0-019 and 0.005 A respectively for the remaining non-hydrogen atoms. A difference map, using low-angle data (sin/9/2 <0.32 A-l), did not clearly show all the hydrogen positions, and had positive and negative features up to 1 e A -3 in the vicinity of the bromine atom, presumably