The ground state (S 0 ) geometry of the firefly luciferin (LH2) was optimized by both DFT B3LYP and CASSCF methods. The vertical excitation energies (T v ) of three low-lying states (S 1 , S 2 , and S 3 ) were calculated by TD-DFT B3LYP//CASSCF method. The S 1 geometry was optimized by CASSCF method. Its T v and the transition energy (T e ) were calculated by MS-CASPT2//CASSCF method. Both the TD-DFT and MS-CASPT2 calculated S 1 state T v values agree with the experimental one. The IPEA shift greatly affects the MS-CASPT2 calculated T v values. Some important excited states of LH2 and oxyluciferin (oxyLH2) are charge-transfer states and have more than one dominant configuration, so for deeply researching the firefly bioluminescence, the multireference calculations are desired.firefly luciferin, TD-DFT, CASSCF, CASPT2Many different organisms in nature, including bacteria, fungi, fireflies, and fishes, are endowed with the ability to emit light. The phenomenon of emitting light as a result of a chemical reaction is called chemiluminescence. When this happens in a living organism, it takes the name of bioluminescence. Bioluminescenes arise from the oxidation of an organic substrate, called luciferin (LH2), catalyzed by an enzyme called luciferase [1][2][3] . Different animals produce very different luciferins, and the specific biochemistries of bioluminescence are also different. However, one common feature to all luciferins is that they must react with molecular oxygen in order to produce light. Luciferases are oxygenases that utilize molecular oxygen to oxidize luciferins. This oxidation reaction creates a molecule in an electronically excited state. When the molecule returns to a lower electronic energy level, it returns the energy in the form of a photon of visible light [4] . The firefly is by far the most efficient example of a bioluminescent system. In fact, the quantum yield of the reaction is 0.88 [5] . Its bioluminescence process could be outlined as Scheme 1.Many aspects of this process have not yet been clearly explained; for instance, the chemical mechanism from LH2 to oxyLH2 and the chemical origin of the multiLuciferin + ATP +O 2 2 Mg luciferase + ⎯⎯⎯⎯ → oxyluciferin + AMP + PPi +CO 2 +light Scheme 1 color bioluminescence [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16] . Most research on the bioluminescence of the firefly are experimental. Only a few theoretical calculations based on semi-empirical theory were reported ten years ago [9,17] . The first Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations was done by Orlova et al. in 2003 [11] . That was quite a big step on the theoretical study on the firefly bioluminescence, and it provided some more accurate information. However, the firefly bioluminescence process is quite complicated, which is doomed to connect with some excited states. As known, DFT method is not good at calculating excited states, since it cannot optimize the geometries of excited states. We planned to study the firefly bioluminescence using multireference method. The very new paper on Nature...