Electrical resistivity ρ(T ) measurements on polycrystalline samples of the Ce(Pt 1−x Ni x ) 2 Si 2 system exhibit dense Kondo behaviour for alloys with 0 x 0.6. The temperature at which a maximum appears in ρ(T ) shifts from T max = 65 K for x = 0 to T max = 290 K for x = 0.6 as the system evolves towards the intermediate-valence regime for the CeNi 2 Si 2 compound. At low temperatures the Ce(Pt 1−x Ni x ) 2 Si 2 alloys show a Fermi liquid T 2 contribution to ρ(T ) below the coherence temperature T coh . It is observed that T coh ≈ T K /(2 j +1), with a transition that takes place from a dense Kondo regime of. T K (∝T max ) and T CF denote the Kondo and crystalline electric field splitting, E F and E R are the Fermi and the Abrikosov-Suhl resonance energies and j denotes the total angular momentum. An electronic Grüneisen parameter value = −∂(ln T max )/∂(ln V ) of 19 has been obtained for the alloy system which is in reasonable agreement with = 28 found from pressure studies on CePt 2 Si 2 . It is argued that volume effects are mainly responsible for the hybridization in the Ce(Pt 1−x Ni x ) 2 Si 2 system and application of the compressible Kondo lattice model to T max data yields |J N(E F )| = 0.309 ± 0.008, where J is the on-site exchange interaction between conduction electrons and the localized 4f spin and N(E F ) is the density of states at E F .