Polymer layers containing the dye 2,4-bis(l,3,3-trimethyl-2-indolinylidenemethyl)-l,4-dithiosquaraine display second-order nonlinear optical properties. Depending on conditions of preparation of the layers, the monomer form of the dye or the intermolecular charge transfer complex between two dye molecules are responsible for the second harmonic generation.Key words: 2,4-his( 1,3,3-trimethyl-2-indoIinylidenemethyl)-1,4-dithiosquataine, poly(vinyl acetate), poly(vinyl ethylal), second harmonic generation, surface potential.Polymer compositions are materials on the basis of which transmission media, active optical elements, and devices for duplication of laser radiation frequencies compatible with modern microelectronic instruments can be developed.As known, ~-3 polarization (P(E)) of the medium occurs in the electric field of laser radiation E(ta), and donor-acceptor systems exhibit nonlinear effects:where X(I)E(t0), X(2)E2(r and X(3)E3(c0) are volume polarizations; and X(x), ~(2), and X(3) are polarizabilities of the first, second, and third orders, respectively. The ~(2) and X(3) values are also named hyperpolarizabilities of the first and second orders. When the E(ta) vector changes direction to -E(co), it can be obtain from Eq. (1) that in centrosymmetrical media, i.e., where P(+E) = -P(-E), the second-order susceptibility X(2) = 0. Molecules with intramolecular charge transfer and the structure of D--(g-conjugation system)--A (D is a donor and A is an acceptor group) are noncentrosymmetrical. As a result, the E(0~) field induces anharmonic polarization, and the radiation of oscillating dipoles can be presented by the sum of Fourier components with frequencies co, 2co, 3co, etc. The intensity (/) of the second harmonic (SH) measured experimentally is related to the susceptibility by the equation (2) where N is the number of donor-acceptor groups in the polymer unit volume; ](co) = [n2(0~) + 21/3 and J(2c0) = [n2(2r + 2]/3 are dimensionless coefficients relating the external electric field and the internal electric field acting upon the molecule (n(co) and n(2to) are refractive indices of laser radiation with the main and doubled frequencies, respectively); and 0 is the angle between the main axis of an individual molecule and perpendicular to the plane of the polymer layer. The molecular hyperpolarizability of the first order !-'4 is described by the equation (3) where e and m are the electron charge and mass, respectively; ~ = h/(2n) (h is Planck's constant); IF" is the difference of energies between the ground state of the donor-acceptor system u/0 = a~(D,A) + b~(D+A -) (a > b) and the charge transfer state ~(CT) = cu + dul(D+A -) (d > c); 6~t is the difference between the dipole moments of the chromophore molecule in the ground and excited states;f is the strength of the oscillator of the optical charge transfer transition (see, e.g., Ref. 5): f = 4.32-10-9EmaxAVl/2 (ema x is the maximum extinction coefficient, and AVv2/cm-I is the half-width of the charge transfer band); and hta and 2ho~ are the energies of...